I saw a purty black and white kitty outside our house today. She was hanging out with the yard cats, Pepi and Gree. Mommy was out shopping tho and the kitty left when she got home so I couldn't get her to take no pictures. I was glad to see that this purty kitty was all plump lookin or Mommy might have 'dopted her too and I think 2 inside the house sisters and one outside sister and one outside brother are plenty. Plus a outside sorta half-brother cuz he's only kinda half 'dopted. I'd have to get a deputy queen bee kitty if we got more!
who are the outside kitties, Sanjee?
The outside kitties are Pepi, he's allllll black and right handsome cept his ears get scraggly cuz the skeeters bite them and he's 'llergic. Gree is a light black (grey!) tuxedo kitty gal. They hang out together allllllllll the time just about. Grandma 'dopted them cuz Gree belonged to the people two doors down who just moved out and left her. And since Pepi was stray those mean people who 'bandoned Gree fed too, he got 'dopted too. So I got an outdoor brother and an outdoor sister. Pepi is Mini's boyfriend, I think, tho.
Wow, all kindsa kitties. You're gonna have kittycity like the Catifornians....
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