Friday, October 21, 2005

Grandma forgave me :) Yay! She said she knew I didn't mean to bitey her. Aw thank you Grandma, I really didn't mean to. Grandma even gave me some catnip AND a new bag AND some crinkly paper to play with. Wow! She's a nice Grandma. Mommy took this picture of me with my goodies and she says you can see the evidence on me. I got bits of catnip on me! Oopsy! Oh yeah and Grandma's bean vet person said that the bitey spot on her hand is ok and she don't need pills or nothing cuz of it. I was real happy about that!


Blogger Cat Naps in Italy said...

What a beautiful cat you are Sanjee! Don't feel too bad about your Grandma's hand. I am sure she knows you didn't mean to do it. I have done some bad things when using cat nip. It happens to all of us!

Opus and Roscoe

3:36 PM  
Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

your Grandma is lucky. my Mom met a lady who got a cat bite and her hand swelled up and she got sick. 'member Timmy's Mom was all hurty too. your mouth must be nice and clean Sanjee

9:34 PM  
Blogger Beau said...

Glad Gramma is okay. I knew she understoond and wasn't upset with you! NICE gramma to give you all those cool presents!

11:09 PM  
Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

That crinkly paper is the greatest stuff to play in!!!!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Boni said...

See? I told you Grandma forgave you, Sanjee :)

12:06 AM  
Blogger Sanjee said...

Opus and Roscoe - Thank you lots. I'm glad Grandma's ok and she forgave me so I don't feel too too bad about it.

Edsel - Grandma and me are lucky! I'd feel real awful if she got sick, like Timmy felt awful bad bout his Mommy. I guess my mouth is clean. I haven't eaten no spoiled mousies lately or nothing like that.

Beau - Yep, you were right. And it was REAL nice of Grandma to bring me presents. She's a super Grandma!

Boni - (It's funny typing to you!) Yeah, you were right too. 'Course you usually are.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Timmy said...

It's nice that your Gramma forgived you. My Grammie forgives me but she usually says loud words a'fore she does it.

Edsel, are you sayin' I got a dirty potty mouth?! LOL!

6:47 PM  
Blogger Ivan from WMD said...


11:54 PM  

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