Friday, January 06, 2006

I caught her!

I came to the puter thing to blog and I found a picture of my Grandma holding a DOG! I couldn't believe it! So I hadda go ask her. She said the dog is my Great-Grandad's new friend. Good thing. I was scared Grandma was gonna bring it home. It's kinda cute really. I mean, after all, it is a tuxie dog. So maybe it's ok. If it stays at Great-Grandad's house.


Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

you certainly do not need a dog. make sure it stays someplace else.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I never knewed there was tuxie dogs! You could give it a good bath and take the dog smell away, you thinks?

10:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You do NOT need a dog in the house. They don't know how to use litter boxes and you might get blamed for their messes!

3:04 AM  
Blogger Sanjee said...

Edsel - You got it right! I do not need a dog. Great-Grandad wants to keep it thank goodness!

Patches - LICK a dog???

GK - I agree! I get blamed for enough as it is!

3:16 AM  
Blogger Amy in NC said...

Dogs should not be allowed in the house or yard. Dogs are bad!!


12:54 PM  
Blogger The Crew said...

Eww, eww. No to dogs, no matter how cute humans may think they are.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Timmy said...

What a dapper doggie! That tuxie dog doesn't look so bad. Momma wants a tuxie dog so that I could have someone to play with. I don't need one though, I know how to play all by myself!!

10:55 PM  
Blogger Mathias42 said...

Ugh. A DOG???

8:51 AM  
Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

Oh yeah, no. No dogs.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

Well, he is kind of cute. But, I saw on the news last night a story about a lady who's cat was killed and the lady suspected the neighbor's dog. They even found the dog's DNA at the crime scene and investigated. It all matched!

My suggestion, get some DNA from the dog now and save it. If he gets on your nerves, start placing his DNA at "crime scenes" like after knocking over a lamp or something like that. Maybe they'll send him some place else.

11:48 PM  
Blogger prairiesunshine said...

You're a hoot cowboy! Lets frame the doggies!! :P


8:29 AM  
Blogger Sanjee said...

Knightly - Not in my house or yard for sure!

Crew - No dogs here, nope.

Timmy - Yeah, I guess she's kinda dapper. Maybe your Mommy could dress up as a tuxie dog instead of getting one. Then she could play with you.

Moses - You're so funny and snarky!

William - Agreed!

Eponine's Cowboy - wowee! That's a neat idea. Cept I don't wanna mess with dog spit. Maybe I can get Boni to get it for me.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Sanjee said...

Prairiesunshine - hehehehe It's not such a bad idea!

9:59 AM  

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