Lookie! Tuxie cat earrings! And food for animals included. Sorta. Me and Mom saw these at the Animal Rescue Site. See, we click every day to help out kitties and other animals. And sometimes I get to go shopping in their shop. It's fun cuz they have lotsa cat stuff. Even these tuxie cat earrings. They're called happy cat earrings. :) I dunno about the purple tuxie cats tho. I've never seen one of them. Maybe if I hold my breath a really long time I'd turn purple? Are those tuxie cats holding their breath? I don't think I'll try it. I like being comfy instead.
Moms got holes in her ears. I notice most lady purrsons have them with the danglers poked in them. Mom says she luvs them!!!
we went there real quick and looked 'cause my Mom doesn't have a lot of time right now, but they have some real cute stuff to buy and my Mom said we'll go back there this weekend and pick somethin' out. thanks for the tip, sanjee
Very Purrty earings! I might have to get some for my Mom...
Those earrings look just like us, don't they. Maybe the purple ones represent tuxedo kitties that are some other color besides black?
The Crew
Don't try it Sanjee! Holding your breath, I mean. We click on that site every day too!
Mom shopped their once and got very mad about how they do their shipping charges so she refuses to shop there, but I like those earrings. Mom doesn't have dangler holes in her ears, but my Aunt T. does. Maybe she will buy them!
Patches - Lady purrsons are kinda strange putting holes in their ears. But it seems to make them happy so I guess it's ok.
Edsel - I hope your Mom has fun lookin at stuff and maybe gettin somethin. Cat stuff is fun!
Oreo - Your Mom might like earrings better than mice, you know, beans being so weird and all.
Max & Crew - Oh! Maybe that's it. Like Gree is a gray tuxie and it looks like your George is too. That makes sense. Good idea!
Puff - I wasn't really plannin to try holdin my breath. Comfy is better. Good that yall click every day too, that's nice of yall!
Beau - I'm sorry your Mommy had a hard time there. My Mommy says she's never had a hard time there at all, so maybe it was just one bad bean being a problem or something and maybe they're gone. I hope so, if your Aunt T gets the tuxie earrings!
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