I've been hiding under the bed the last couple days. Mean old Mommy took me to the mean old vet guy and I didn't like that.
I did have some fun tho. Mommy stuck me in the carrier thingy and I knew that was bad news. So I struggled and fussed and I broke the carrier thingy! Yes! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
'Course Mommy wouldn't let that stop her. She's even stubborner than me! She said awful nasty words, and she shoved the door back on the carrier thingy so I couldn't get out and did somethin so where I broke the front parts wouldn't come undone. Then she got the duck tape and taped the carrier thingy back together! Boo hisssssssss! So I had to go to the vet guy anyways.
Visiting the vet guy is so undignified. He poked me and he stabbed me TWICE! Ick!! He was so icky that I snuggled up against Mommy while he peeked in my ears and stuff. At least he didn't stick nothing nasty in my ears! He told Mommy I was all healthy, tho, (I coulda told her that!!!) and I weigh 17.6 pounds. Mommy said I was a big healthy girl for sure.
The vet guy was done pokin and peekin and stabbin, so I got to go back in the duck taped carrier thingy and Mommy took me home. She said I don't gotta go back there for a whole year! But I hid under the bed just in case she changed her mind.